25519 West Illinois Route 134

Ingleside, IL 60041



All are welcome!

Knowing Jesus and

Sharing His Love

Crafting While Fellowshiping!

Ladies of Value

Women's Ministry

Join the ladies of Trinity in fellowship, brunch and devotionals each month as we follow our Lord Jesus Christ.

Brunch is typically held on the third Saturday of each month 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m

Wellness Group

The Wellness Group is for all ages, all people, anyone who wants to learn and contribute to conversations about living our best, healthiest life!  

When:  2nd Saturday of each month at 10 am.  Topics change every month.  Below are some photos from the Nov 2022 class on CPR.  A special thanks to our Fire Department instructor Kim for a very thorough and potentially life-saving class.

Why knit/crochet or do your chosen craft alone when you can do it with the company of others?  Or, maybe you don't craft but would like to learn how!  The experts are here to help you.   

Join us every Friday at 10 am.  Enter through lower level.

Bible Studies

Thursday mornings at 10 am!  Please join us at any time!  We look forward

​to seeing you.

Or Join us by Zoom on Wednesday evenings, in-person before worship on Sundays at 9 am, or the men's Zoom Bible study ​on Saturday mornings.  Contact the church office for the links.