25519 West Illinois Route 134
Ingleside, IL 60041
All are welcome!
Knowing Jesus and
Sharing His Love
Ways to financially support Trinity's ministries:
In Person: Whether it’s cash or check, we appreciate your kindness. Please place your donations in the offering plate as it is passed.
Online: Click the Vanco button below. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation with your credit card or by providing banking information.
Mobile App: Download the Vanco Mobile app from your app store to set up a one-time or recurring donation. Search Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ingleside. This QR code will bring you to Trinity's Vanco page:
Copyright 2016. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. All Rights Reserved.
25519 W. IL 134 Ingleside, IL 60041 | (847) 546-2109 | trinityonthehill@sbcglobal.net